Some day people will both laugh and marvel that about 15 of these names below once traded at such ridiculously low valuations. Wise ladies and gemtlemen, start your laptops and fire up those lithium-ion batteries, and watch out for the five with the funny numbers on the paper ...
Top 20 Renewable Power Stocks: 24OCT08
First Solar FSLR: 120.53
MEMC Electronic Materials WFR: 18.76
Q-CELLS QCE: 27.19
SunPower Corporation SPWRA: 39.80
Suzlon Energy SUZL: 47.25
LDK Solar LDK: 15.62
Energy Conversion Devices ENER: 30.49
Ormat Technologies ORA: 23.66
JA Solar Holdings JASO: 3.77
GT Solar International SOLR: 4.36
Ener1 Inc. HEV: 7.00
Yingli Green Energy Holding YGE : 3.59
American Superconductor AMSC: 11.12
Evergreen Solar Inc ESLR: 2.58
ReneSola Ltd. (ADR) SOL: 2.58
Canadian Hydro Developers KHD: 3.26
Clean Energy Fuels Corp CLNE: 10.48
Clipper Windpower CWP: 1.87.50p
Raser Technologies RZ: 3.24
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CAUTION: Investing in common stocks of publicly-listed companies is a high risk (and high potential reward) activity. Owning investments in individual renewable energy technology companies is for high risk investors only, and medium risk investors should consider green mutual funds, closed-end clean energy funds, alternative energy index funds and other clean energy sector investments. Even then, these funds should be owned as part of a widely diversified portfolio, and always be considered as longer term investments.
Alternative energy stocks and other renewable power investments are a core component of ethical investing portfolios. Find info on Alternative Energy websites, research solar power, locate renewable power information and solar energy companies online. Links to info on clean fuels, solar power as a peace technology, solar energy stocks and clean power mutual funds.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Yingli Green Energy to supply China Mobile with 1.5MW photovoltaic solar energy
According to, YGE came out on top in a recent open-bidding process and is expected to supply over 30% of the photovolatic solar power requirements of China's top mobile phone carrier.
From the excellent green energy investing portal
Yingli Green Energy announced that a Chinese subsidiary, Tianwei Yingli, came out on top in bidding contest to supply photovoltaic products to China’s biggest cell phone company, China Mobile Communications Corp. Tianwei Yingli will supply the cell phone company with 1.5 MW worth of PV modules, over 31% of China Mobile Communications Corp’s latest PV purchases. Yingli expects a supply contract with China Mobile Communications Corp to result from the deal, with the details to be solidified late this month or early next month.
Below are some comments on the deal from Liansheng Miao, president and CEO of Yingli Energy:
We are pleased that China Mobile selected Tianwei Yingli as one of its major PV module suppliers,” said Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and CEO of Yingli Green Energy. “We believe our top quality products, well regarded brand name and solid track record were important factors that helped differentiate us from our competition. We have been working with China Mobile since 2002 when we helped them build some stand-alone solar power base stations in western China. Over the years, we have developed a productive working relationship and we look forward to further deepening it in the future.”
Full article and more info on Yingli Green Energy here
Information on investing in photovoltaic solar energy stocks
From the excellent green energy investing portal
Yingli Green Energy announced that a Chinese subsidiary, Tianwei Yingli, came out on top in bidding contest to supply photovoltaic products to China’s biggest cell phone company, China Mobile Communications Corp. Tianwei Yingli will supply the cell phone company with 1.5 MW worth of PV modules, over 31% of China Mobile Communications Corp’s latest PV purchases. Yingli expects a supply contract with China Mobile Communications Corp to result from the deal, with the details to be solidified late this month or early next month.
Below are some comments on the deal from Liansheng Miao, president and CEO of Yingli Energy:
We are pleased that China Mobile selected Tianwei Yingli as one of its major PV module suppliers,” said Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and CEO of Yingli Green Energy. “We believe our top quality products, well regarded brand name and solid track record were important factors that helped differentiate us from our competition. We have been working with China Mobile since 2002 when we helped them build some stand-alone solar power base stations in western China. Over the years, we have developed a productive working relationship and we look forward to further deepening it in the future.”
Full article and more info on Yingli Green Energy here
Information on investing in photovoltaic solar energy stocks
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ten stocks for the Obama Rally; Best stocks for American economic revival
For those on the sidelines with cash, the equity markets just get more and more delicious. Oil and gas prices have fallen, as has the US dollar, and all these factors are positioning the USA for perhaps the biggest economic comeback in the history of the world. Like Ali on the ropes, those who sell America short at these levels may be in for a rude awakening.
The USA is a GREAT country with many AMAZING companies, and these names below are among the most forward-thinking companies on earth. Here are ten American companies that are worth considering as turnaround market leader candidates; these are not buy recommendations, but invitations to do research, as these companies are worth looking into.
First Solar (FSLR)
Out of Phoenix AZ, FSLR designs, manufactures solar modules using thin-film semiconductor technology; a thin layer of cadmium telluride used for converting sunlight into electricity. Now at 128, the shares are down over 60%.
Ormat Technologies (ORA)
A true American success story, at 25.90, ORA shares are down over 50% from the high of 57.93. Reno NV firm develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants in the United States and geothermal power plants in other countries around the world, and sells the electricity generated by these plants.
General Electric (GE)
World's top company is also a major provider of wind energy, solar power, water purification and many more emerging technologies. At 20.30, the stock is down by half and now yields 6.11%!
Applied Materials (AMAT) Inc.
Diversified USA technology company with the pioneering SunFab thin film solar line of photovoltaic electricity systems. A Silicon Valley stalwart based out of Santa Clara, California, AMAT is a quality tech stock with some leading edge solar power products, and it yields 1.94% at today's close of 12.35.
Google (GOOG)
When the USA and other major global economies rebound from the recent liquidity crunch, Google will still be the major corporate presence online and will thus see an expanded client list. With the shares closing today at 346.01, they are down by more than half. Google remains the number one company in the Internet sector, and seems able to weather any storms at least as well as its competitors.
Home Depot (HD)
An economic revival in the United States of America will mean busy Home Depot stores; housing will get renovated as "fix-er-up-ers" will return to the market and housing stock gets made energy-efficient and retrofitted for the emerging green homes market. Offers building materials, home improvement, lawn and garden products; sells to do-it-yourself, do-it-for-me, and professional, industry clients. At 21.89 HD yields 4.11%.
Energy Conversion Devices (ENER)
Out of Rochester Hills, Michigan, ENER has a long track record of quality and innovation in the USA, and deserves all the success it is getting. A way to invest in solar energy and battery technology in one company, and at 43.65 the shares are down by almost half.
MicroSoft Corp (MSFT)
Software developer famous for its windows operating system, its products include operating systems for servers, personal computers and intelligent devices, plus Xbox 360 video games console and game software. At 23.23, the shares trade at 12.4 times earnings, and yield 2.2%.
MEMC Electronic Materials
This St. Peters, Missouri silicon wafer producer has revenues in the $2 billion range and rapidly growing major customers. At today's close of 20.69 (down from an exuberant 96.08!!!), this extraordinarily profitable silicon provider trades at a crisis multiple of just 7.26 ...
Raser Technologies (RZ)
Raser Tech is a geothermal power development and electric motor company with exciting projects and prospects. At 6.50, the stock is down from 18.44. This Provo Utah firm has the potential to be a significant geothermal power producer in the years and decades to come.
The USA is a GREAT country with many AMAZING companies, and these names below are among the most forward-thinking companies on earth. Here are ten American companies that are worth considering as turnaround market leader candidates; these are not buy recommendations, but invitations to do research, as these companies are worth looking into.
First Solar (FSLR)
Out of Phoenix AZ, FSLR designs, manufactures solar modules using thin-film semiconductor technology; a thin layer of cadmium telluride used for converting sunlight into electricity. Now at 128, the shares are down over 60%.
Ormat Technologies (ORA)
A true American success story, at 25.90, ORA shares are down over 50% from the high of 57.93. Reno NV firm develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants in the United States and geothermal power plants in other countries around the world, and sells the electricity generated by these plants.
General Electric (GE)
World's top company is also a major provider of wind energy, solar power, water purification and many more emerging technologies. At 20.30, the stock is down by half and now yields 6.11%!
Applied Materials (AMAT) Inc.
Diversified USA technology company with the pioneering SunFab thin film solar line of photovoltaic electricity systems. A Silicon Valley stalwart based out of Santa Clara, California, AMAT is a quality tech stock with some leading edge solar power products, and it yields 1.94% at today's close of 12.35.
Google (GOOG)
When the USA and other major global economies rebound from the recent liquidity crunch, Google will still be the major corporate presence online and will thus see an expanded client list. With the shares closing today at 346.01, they are down by more than half. Google remains the number one company in the Internet sector, and seems able to weather any storms at least as well as its competitors.
Home Depot (HD)
An economic revival in the United States of America will mean busy Home Depot stores; housing will get renovated as "fix-er-up-ers" will return to the market and housing stock gets made energy-efficient and retrofitted for the emerging green homes market. Offers building materials, home improvement, lawn and garden products; sells to do-it-yourself, do-it-for-me, and professional, industry clients. At 21.89 HD yields 4.11%.
Energy Conversion Devices (ENER)
Out of Rochester Hills, Michigan, ENER has a long track record of quality and innovation in the USA, and deserves all the success it is getting. A way to invest in solar energy and battery technology in one company, and at 43.65 the shares are down by almost half.
MicroSoft Corp (MSFT)
Software developer famous for its windows operating system, its products include operating systems for servers, personal computers and intelligent devices, plus Xbox 360 video games console and game software. At 23.23, the shares trade at 12.4 times earnings, and yield 2.2%.
MEMC Electronic Materials
This St. Peters, Missouri silicon wafer producer has revenues in the $2 billion range and rapidly growing major customers. At today's close of 20.69 (down from an exuberant 96.08!!!), this extraordinarily profitable silicon provider trades at a crisis multiple of just 7.26 ...
Raser Technologies (RZ)
Raser Tech is a geothermal power development and electric motor company with exciting projects and prospects. At 6.50, the stock is down from 18.44. This Provo Utah firm has the potential to be a significant geothermal power producer in the years and decades to come.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Renewable Power Stocks News; September 2008
Here are some news items and blog posts about alternative energy stocks and renewable power investing in recent weeks:
Renewable Power's Moment of Truth, by Sam Hopkins
Renewable Energy Tax Credits Included in Senate Bailout Package, by Nick Hodge
Renewable Power Industry Calls on Congressional Leadership
UPDATED Master List of Wind Energy Stocks
Clean Energy Search Engine, Renewable Power Stocks Portal
AWEA Position on USA Senate Renewable Energy Tax Proposal
Chrysler launching electric car, jeep, van, by Jeff Siegel
Bargain geothermal energy stocks? 4 geothermal companies worth researching
Wave Power Stocks, Tidal Energy Investing News
Global Water Conservation News, September 2008
Still Early Days for Green Energy Investing
Wind Energy Book Links, Solar Power Publications
4 Wind Power Stocks to Invest in Now, for the long term
Wind Power Stocks by Market Capitalization
Gifts for Greens; Solar Toys, Solar-powered Electronics
Tidal energy stocks, public wave power companies
Water Stocks In The News; Water Purification Investing
All Charged Up - Battery technology stocks worth exploring
Renewable Power's Moment of Truth, by Sam Hopkins
Renewable Energy Tax Credits Included in Senate Bailout Package, by Nick Hodge
Renewable Power Industry Calls on Congressional Leadership
UPDATED Master List of Wind Energy Stocks
Clean Energy Search Engine, Renewable Power Stocks Portal
AWEA Position on USA Senate Renewable Energy Tax Proposal
Chrysler launching electric car, jeep, van, by Jeff Siegel
Bargain geothermal energy stocks? 4 geothermal companies worth researching
Wave Power Stocks, Tidal Energy Investing News
Global Water Conservation News, September 2008
Still Early Days for Green Energy Investing
Wind Energy Book Links, Solar Power Publications
4 Wind Power Stocks to Invest in Now, for the long term
Wind Power Stocks by Market Capitalization
Gifts for Greens; Solar Toys, Solar-powered Electronics
Tidal energy stocks, public wave power companies
Water Stocks In The News; Water Purification Investing
All Charged Up - Battery technology stocks worth exploring
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WARNING: Investing in common equity of public companies is a high risk, high potential reward activity. Owning investments in individual alternative energy companies is for high risk investors only, and medium risk investors should consider green mutual funds, clean energy funds, renewable power index funds and other sector plays. Even then, these should be owned as part of a widely diversified portfolio. There is a gathering mania for investing in publicly-traded alternative energy companies, similar to the computer, technology, internet and banking / real estate booms of the past two decades. There will be some nasty corrections along the way, and some years from now when they come crashing down en masse, the world will still benefit from all the amazingly advanced clean and efficient energy technology created during the bull run. (Above note re-written March 2009 as my earlier prediction of a market top and a crash in the sector starting in August '09 was hastened by the credit markets collapse and began in August 2008, before the bubble had fully formed. Of all the sectors in the equity markets, clean energy has the best prospects to assume market leadership and public favour; we are bouncing aong the bottom still, and those who have followed our guidance to begin including (in a judiciously blended portfolio of cash, bonds, stocks and yes, um... real estate) green energy investment funds dollar-cost-averaging programs in Winter and Spring of 2009 are well positioned for longterm capital growth.)
Search for renewable energy investing info, find renewable energy investments, clean power mutual funds, wind systems for home, farm, business and cottages, home power generators, photovoltaic solar panels, publicly-listed windpower companies, alternative energy investing, biomass / biofuels research, renewable energy mutual funds, green investments.

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