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CAUTION: Investing in common stocks of publicly-listed companies is a high risk (and high potential reward) activity. Owning investments in individual renewable energy technology companies is for high risk investors only, and medium risk investors should consider green mutual funds, closed-end clean energy funds, alternative energy index funds and other clean energy sector investments. Even then, these funds should be owned as part of a widely diversified portfolio, and always be considered as longer term investments.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden is progressive on energy policy and the environment

Though politics most often involves choosing a lesser evil, Joe Biden offers a powerful antidote to the folksiness of McCain. Considering that John McCain is ignorant about energy and believes that 20th century technology will help America compete, it is encouraging that Barack has chosen someone with strong credentials as a running mate. Joe is a friend of McCain's so his coming attacks on the GOP candidate will be based on policy differences, not questions of motivation or personal grudges. Senator Joseph Biden is also a champion of women's rights and has helped shape policies that have reduced violence against women.

Joe is a globally respected foreign policy expert that can do much to heal the damage done by the arrogant navel gazing of the Bush-Cheney-Rice triumvirate.

"He is uniquely suited to work as my partner to get our country back on track" said Barack Obama as he introduced Joe Biden this afternoon, August 23rd, 2008.

Below you will find the section from the Wikipedia page on Joe Biden's political positions on USA energy policy and environmental policies, and though it is concise, it bodes well for the USA's ability to compete in the coming decades. The rest of the world is already moving beyond The Pickens Plan to a myriad of localized clean energy solutions, while many Americans are still nervous about taking even these baby steps as a way to get off the economy-crushing foreign oil addiction.

Forward to the future,

Joe Trainor, in Toronto

Energy Policy of Joe Biden

Biden opposes drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and supports governmental funding to find new energy sources.

Biden believes action must be taken on global warming. He supports the creation of a new treaty on climate change that would require emissions reductions from developing countries such as Brazil, India, China, and Mexico. He has also stated his support for investment in technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the creation of a "cap and trade" system. Biden supports the promotion of renewable energy, including biodiesel fuels but not ethanol.

Mr. Biden says as president his top priority would be "energy security." He has also been quoted as saying "If I could wave a wand, and the Lord said I could solve one problem, I would solve the energy crisis."


He co-sponsored the "Sense of the Senate" resolution calling on the United States to be a part of the United Nations climate negotiations and the "Boxer-Sanders Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act", the most stringent climate bill in the United States Senate.[4] He voted "Yes" on a $3.1B for emergency oil assistance for hurricane-hit areas and "No" for drilling in ANWR on national security grounds and defunding renewable and solar energy.

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WARNING: Investing in common equity of public companies is a high risk, high potential reward activity. Owning investments in individual alternative energy companies is for high risk investors only, and medium risk investors should consider green mutual funds, clean energy funds, renewable power index funds and other sector plays. Even then, these should be owned as part of a widely diversified portfolio. There is a gathering mania for investing in publicly-traded alternative energy companies, similar to the computer, technology, internet and banking / real estate booms of the past two decades. There will be some nasty corrections along the way, and some years from now when they come crashing down en masse, the world will still benefit from all the amazingly advanced clean and efficient energy technology created during the bull run. (Above note re-written March 2009 as my earlier prediction of a market top and a crash in the sector starting in August '09 was hastened by the credit markets collapse and began in August 2008, before the bubble had fully formed. Of all the sectors in the equity markets, clean energy has the best prospects to assume market leadership and public favour; we are bouncing aong the bottom still, and those who have followed our guidance to begin including (in a judiciously blended portfolio of cash, bonds, stocks and yes, um... real estate) green energy investment funds dollar-cost-averaging programs in Winter and Spring of 2009 are well positioned for longterm capital growth.)

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